Find a Child to Sponsor in one of the Villages We Serve
Sponsorship Benefits
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to sponsor a child, and what are the payment options?
The monthly sponsorship cost is $35 and our normal payment method is via credit card using our online payment platform managed by Pure Charity. When sponsoring, please also consider covering our 5% administrative fee ($1.75). All remaining funds go directly to our sponsorship program in Rwanda.
Will I be the only person sponsoring the child I’m helping?
Yes. The child you’re helping has just one sponsor – you. That’s why your prayers, letters and support mean so much to them. Even if you choose to sponsor a child as a family or a group (for example, a youth group or a Sunday school class), the child you help will still be relating to your family or group as his or her only sponsor. No other group or individual will also sponsor the child you help.
Will my child write to me?
Your child will write to you at least once per year. A teacher or staff person will help children who have yet to learn how to read and write. As you share your own family and personal concerns with the child you support, you’ll probably discover that he or she is consistently praying for you. As your exchange of letters with the child grows over the years, you can build a scrapbook of letters and photos. Your scrapbook will serve as a constant reminder of the relationship you’ve developed with the child you’re helping and of how you’ve contributed to his or her growth.
How can I communicate with the child I sponsor?
We encourage you to send letters to your sponsored child and include a personal or family photograph and a short letter of introduction. Eden Child’s field staff will translate your letter and deliver it to the child you support. Sponsored children typically keep their sponsor’s photos and letters in their homes as treasured possessions.
Email and periodic hand written mailings will be sent to Eden’s Child staff in Rwanda and sponsors will be notified via email when that will happen. When you write, your sponsored child will benefit from knowing that someone in addition to his or her family really cares. Your words of encouragement will make a big difference to your child. Correspondence between sponsors and the children they support is truly developmental. The more you write to the child you sponsor, the more he or she will reap the benefits of your relationship.
As a sponsor, how else can I learn about the child I am helping?
In addition to letters from your sponsored child, Eden’s Child staff provide periodic updates about the child’s progress and newsletters about situations in Rwanda that affect child development and the sponsorship program there (see the “What’s New” page). You’ll have a better understanding of your sponsored child’s culture and life. It’s quite likely that your vision of God’s kingdom will expand. You may even decide to visit your child on a Sponsor Tour someday. It’s an unforgettable experience so contact us at if you’re interested!
Is there anything I cannot send to my sponsored child?
As a sponsor, we ask you to provide comments and materials consistent with Christian values. We will not forward photographs or other materials depicting activities that:
- might be considered inappropriate in another culture
- promote lifestyle choices that we view as unhealthy or inconsistent with Biblical values or otherwise inappropriate for sponsored children
- might threaten the safety of the sponsored children in any way
For example, we will not forward materials that depict or describe the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, unlawful drugs and materials or activities that we regard as dangerous or unsafe. We will not forward materials or communications that advocate another religious worldview. In addition, we will not forward materials depicting persons dressed in immodest clothing or engaging in activities inconsistent with our ministry values and beliefs.
May I send gifts to my child?
Generally during the Christmas season, we will have an opportunity for you to contribute toward a sponsorship campaign which will provide a gift for all children equally, most likely a large meal to be enjoyed among all families in the program. Sponsors may also contribute additional financial gifts to benefit the program at any time. Please see the “Special Projects” page for more information.
How long should my child sponsorship last?
Eden Temple International child sponsorship program offers you the opportunity to stay with a child for a number of years, usually through the high school level of education. We pray for you and hope that you will be able to continue in your support of your sponsored child until he or she graduates from the sponsorship program.
What happens if I cannot continue as a child sponsor?
If your circumstances change and you can no longer sponsor a child, we would appreciate if you could help find another sponsor to take over your commitment. If you are not able to do this, we will be sure that your child is sponsored by someone else as quickly as possible so their benefits are not interrupted. In either case, please contact us in advance so we can make necessary arrangements and ensure a smooth transition for the child.
What does child protection mean?
Our leadership and field staff address child protection by working to prevent and respond to all forms of violence against children — including abuse, neglect, and sexual exploitation. As an organization, we work to address the root causes of poverty and injustice in an integrated, holistic way. Eden’s Child is committed to promoting an environment in which vulnerable children, their families, and communities are educated and empowered to prevent abuse and exploitation, to protect children from immediate danger, and to restore children who have been exposed to abuse, neglect, exploitation, or violence.
We work alongside hospitals, schools, and law enforcement agencies to ensure that child protection is a priority by encouraging groups to raise awareness and advocate for child rights and protection. We focus on the children who are most vulnerable — those who have been orphaned, who live on the street, and/or who are not in school. We educate them about what trafficking is, and the techniques that abusers use to lure children. Empowering these vulnerable children to access quality education, while meeting immediate needs such as food and housing, can make all the difference for preventing child exploitation.